Warning: Undefined variable $error in /home/public/viewentry.php on line 9

Warning: Undefined array key "submit" in /home/public/viewentry.php on line 20
Tyler Gilmore
Poop Why are you looking at my code? The jquery I use for my nav bar requires a link to their website, they didn't say I couldn't put it in a hidden div. :)

What I'm working on

In Site - Posted on Tue 3rd August 2010 11.28AM
Warning: Undefined array key "USERLEVEL" in /home/public/viewentry.php on line 55

Blog is live now, I didn't really need to state this since you're reading it but I did so deal with it. That was the first big feature I was working. I may move it to the front page later. It is to much work to update the HTML on the site every time I want to update something. I should state here that you can leave comments but you have to be a user on the site first and I think I have to approve the account for commenting first. I watch the accounts pretty closely right now so if I know you it'll probably happen pretty quick.

I'm also planning out a tiered user system so some areas will not available to all users. Mostly this will be for things like friends only areas that other people would have no interest in anyways. Toying with other ways to use the tiered user system on the site. But for now I've got to get back to work.

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Warning: Undefined array key "USERLEVEL" in /home/public/viewentry.php on line 86

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